You have been considering starting up your own small business for some time, now. You have read books and perhaps subscribe to some magazines that focus on small business. Maybe you have started to investigate what exactly you would like to do or offer, and perhaps even started working on your business plan. Then you get stuck.
In order to successfully get a business up and running, you have to have a plan, and a strategy to make that plan become reality. Working through the difficult and insightful steps to set up that strategy is what will make the difference between your dream continuing to be just a dream and making that dream turn into reality.
When you create your business plan, you create your company mission and vision statements. From there, you need to create all the details on how you will implement strategies to accomplish your mission. Your strategic plan, I like to call marketing plan, will be your game plan for how you will run your business, how you will strengthen your competitive position in your industry or location, how you will best satisfy your customers or clients and how you will achieve your performance targets you set up. More information...
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